Japan is a modern country which allows foreigners to live comfortably and innocently for about two years or so. Then the honeymoon period wanes and it is likely many things will begin to grate on you. The cure is to return home regularly to see that, in comparison, Japan is a decent country to work and reside in.


100 Awesome Things to do in Tokyo, 100 Top Resources to Learn Japanese, 20 Things You Might Not Know About Tokyo


ABC International, Above & Beyond Japanese Language School, Academy of Language Arts, Ai International Preschool and Kindergarten, Aichi International Association, AIT Foreign Language Center, Aizu Wakamatsu International Association, Akamonkai Japanese Language School, All About Teaching English in Japan, American School in Japan, Aoba International Lounge, Aoba-Japan International School, Asian Student Cultural Association, Association of Foreign Wives of Japanese, Association for Japanese Language Learning, Ayla International School, Azabudai Japanese Language Institute


Bayside Academy, Black Tokyo, Belgrave International PreschoolBritish School in Japan, Bunka Institute of Languages


Camp Roadless Summer, Canadian Academy, Chiba City International Association, CosCom Study of Japanese, Christian Academy in Japan, College of Business & Communication


Daizawa International School, Differences in American and Japanese Culture and Entertainment, Disaster Preparedness Manual, DoReMi Garden Preschool, Driving Rules and Regulations in Japan, Drop-in Coworking Spaces


Earthquake Disaster Prevention Guidebook, Ebisu Japanese Language School, Ecom English Teachers, E-Ibaraki Report, English Teachers in Japan, Everyday Bird Watching in Japan, Expat Blog, ExpatExchange


Flower Arrangements and Floral Designs, Friends Quaker Junior and Senior High Schools, Friendship Chiyoda, Fukui International Association, Fukuoka International Exchange Association, Fukushima International Association, Funabashi International Relations Association


G-Call, General Association of Korean Residents in Japan, Get Japan Offers and Services From Freelancers, Gifu Internationational Center, Girl Scouts of Japan, Global Daigaku, Global Indian International School, GoodJapanese.com, Grace Christian International School, Grace International Learning Center, Green Tea Japan, Guide to Kanji


Hachioji International Friendship Club, Happy Days International Preschool, Harvard Club of Japan, Harvey & Maclaurin’s School for the Disabled, Hashima City Internationational Exchange Association, Hiragana Times, Hiroo Japanese Center, Hiroshima International SchoolHokkaido International School, Homestay in Japan, Horizon Japan International School, Hyogo International Association, Hyperdia Timetable, Ichikawa Japanese Language Institute


Immigration Bureau of Japan, India International School, India-Japan Friendship Club, Inoue Cultural College, Inter-University Center for Japanese, International Association of Chigasaki, International Conversation Academy, International Friendship Association, International House of Japan, International House of Osaka, International Party and Friendship, International School of the Sacred Heart, International Schools in Japan, Isesaki International Relations Society, Ishikawa Foundation for International Exchange, ITS Language Center, Iwate International Association, Izumisano Cross Culture Association


Jaba Japanese School, J’s International School, J’s Language SchoolJapan Association for Working Holiday Makers, Japan Blog Directory, Japan Camera Industry Institute, Japan Center for International Exchange, Japan Drivers License, Japan Gay Resources, Japan Helpline, Japan IMF Scholarship Program, Japan Life, Japan-Living, Japan Study Support, Japan Transit Planner, Japan Weather Updates, Japanese Culture Primer, Japanese for Business People, Japanese Language Learning Tools Online, Japanese Language Lessons, Japanese Language School Guide, Japanese Manners and Etiquette, Japanese Nationality Law, Japanese Phrase of the Day, Japanese Sayings, JNEC Business Plan Training, Jobs In Japan, Joy to the World American International Preschool and Kindergarten


K. International School Tokyo, Kagawa Prefecture International Exchange Association, Kagoshima International Association, Kai Japanese Language School, KAIS International School, Kanagawa Volunteer Support Center, Kanrin Japanese School, Kansai Seminar House, Kashiwa International Relations Organization, Katoh Gakuen English Immersion Program, Kawasaki International Association, KCP International Language Institute, Kids International School, Kids Web Japan, K International School Tokyo, Kigouya, Kiryu International Exchange Association, Kitakyushu International Association, Kitty International School and Preschool, Kobe International Center for Cooperation & Communication, Kochi International Association, Komazawa Park International PreSchool and Kindergarten, Koyama Driving School, Kudan Institute of Language and Culture, Kunitachi Kids International School, Kyoto City International Foundation, Kyoto International School, Kyoto Prefectural International Association


Labochi Language Laboratory, Laurus International School of Science, Learn Japanese Online, Learn Japanese With Rocket Languages, Learn the Kana, Learning Tree International Preschool & Kindergarten, Lease Japan, Life Hope Network, Life in Japan for Reearchers, Linden Hall (English Immersion) High School, List of Recognized Local International Exchange Associations, Locanto Free Classfieds for Yokohama


Makuhari International School, Marist Brothers International School, Matsudo International Exchange Association, Mcgill MBA Japan, Meguro International Friendship Association, Meguro Language Center, Meros Language School, Metropolis, Mie International Exchange Foundation, Mitaka International Society for Hospitality, Mito International Center, Miyazaki International Foundation, More Scholarship Info for Studying in Japan, Multilingual Living Information, Musahino Higashi Gakuen


Nagoya International Center, Nagoya International School, Navitime, New International School of Japan, NIC Japanese Language School, Nihonhacks, Niigata International Association, Niigata International Volunteer Center, Nippon Living, Nishimachi International School


Ogaki International Exchange Association, Okaya International Exchange Association, Okayama Institute of Languages, Okinawa Christian School International, OLJ Language Academy, Osaka Foundation of International Exchange, Osaka Info, Osaka International House Foundation, Osaka International School, Osaka YMCA International School


PAL International Pre-School and Kindergarten, Patto’s Gourmet Dictionary, Poole Gakuin, Primer on Japanese Culture


ReloJapan, Rivercity International Preschool, RLC Preschool


Sagamihara International Lounge, Saint Maur International School, Saitama International Association, Sapporo International Communication Plaza Foundation, Scholarships and Financial Assistance for Foreigners Studying in Japan, Scout Association of Japan, Sesame International Preschool, Seta International School, Shimane International Center, Shinagawa-ku International Friendship Association, Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute, Shinjuku Multicultural Plaza, Shinjuku Japanese Language Institute, Shin Osaka Prep School, Shitamachi Yoi Tokyo, Shizuoka Life, St. Mary’s International School, St. Michael’s International School, Summerhill International School, Surviving in Japan


T-Prime, Takamatsu International Association, Takasaki International Relations Society, TASPO, TCC Japanese Institute, Temple University Japan, Tendo International Exchange Association, Tezukayama Montessori International School, The Flying Pig, The Japanese Page, Tohoku International School, Tokushima Prefectural International Exchange Association, Top 52 Japanese Mistakes That Beginners Make, Tokyo Animation College, Tokyo Association of International Preschools, Tokyo Boulevards, Tokyo Canadian Club, Tokyo Fire Department, Tokyo International Communication Committee, Tokyo International School, Tokyo Japanese Language Education Center, Tokyo Metropolitan Medical Institution Information, Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, Tokyo Musashikoyama International School, Tokyo Orientations, Tokyo YMCA International School, Top 52 Japanese Mistakes That Beginners Make, Toshoji International Zen Center, Tottori Prefectural International Exchange Foundation, Toyama Cosmopolitan Association, Toyama International Center, Toyota International Association, Tsukuba International School, Tsurumi International Exchange Group


Unitas Japanese Language School, Uonuma Association for Multicultural Exchange, Utsunomiya International Association


We, WebJapanese, Weblio Translation (free), West Tokyo Preschool, Wikipedia’s Japan, Willowbrook International School,


XE Currency Converter


Yamaguchi International Exchange Association, Yamasa Institute, Yamato International School, Yes!Tokyo, Yokohama International Education Academy, Yokohama International School, Yoshida Institute of Japanese Language


Zoo-phonics Academy