Securing human resources in the IT industry is gradually becoming more difficult. The difficulty stems from stronger international competition in conjunction with the rise of emerging nations; a conflict between classroom training and the actual human resources needed by the industry; shorter delivery times and an increase in man-hours for development along with the growing complexity of products; and the uniqueness of  IT occupations emphasizing a structure of multiple subcontracting.


AcuteLogic, Ad-Daisen, Ad-Sol Nissin, Advanced Data Controls, Agrex, AGSA.I., AineoAlpha Net, Alpha Systems, Alpha Tech, Amiya, ANS SolvesAQ, Arteria Networks, Artiza Networks, Artory, Asahi Net, Asgent, Ashisuto, Assist Solutions, Aten, Avtel Access Control Systems, Axe, Axio


Beare Consulting, b-en-g, BIOS, Biprogy, Bits, Bloomstreet, Brigh-E, Bridge Corporation, Brycen, Business Associates, Business Brain Showa


CACCanon MarketingCaravanCBCCEC Computer Engineering, CinqtumComputec Engineering, Computer Institute of Japan, Cosmac, Cresco, CrossWire, CSE, CSK Holdings, CTC Solutions, Cube System, Cresco


D-VECS, Daiichi Computer Resources, Daiwa Institute of Research, Daiwabo Information System, Data Process Systems, DEEBO, DeNA, Denso Wave, Designet, Digital Arts, Digital Content Association of Japan, DMP, DoCoMo SystemsDream Incubator, DTC, DTS, Duplo


Elmo, Emissary Computer Solutions, Eire Systems, Emissary Computer Solution, eSolia, Evixar Japan


Ferret One, Fidel Technologies, Fixpoint, Focus Systems, Forefront Technologies, Freebit, Freshworks, Fujisoft, Fujitsu Broad Solution, Fujitsi FIP, Fujitsu Marketing, Future Spirits


Gala, GL Sciences, Global Information, Global SpeedGplus Media, Good Field & Co.


Hagiwara Solutions, Hashi Media, Himacs, Hitachi High-Technologies, Hitachi Systems, Honda Logicom Human Science


I-Cell Networks, I-N Information Systems, ICC, IDC Japan, Ignite,  iMobile, Inabata & Co.I-Net, INES, Infocom, InfoCom Research, Infogram, Information Development, Information-Technology Promotion AgencyIntage, Intec, Intelligent WaveInternap JapanIRI, ISA, ISID, Internet Initiative Japan, Ishikawa Computer Center, IT Holdings, Itfor, Itochu Techno-Science, IT Strategic Headquarters


J-StreamJapan Business Systems, Japan Business Portal, Japan Communications, Japan Data Storage Forum, Japan Electronics Information Technology (JEITA) Association Directory, Japan Embedded Systems Technology AssociationJapan Expert Clone, Japan Information Engineering Trade Center, Japan Information Technology Services Industry Association, Japan Media Systems, Japan Network Security Association, Japan Outsourcing Solutions, Japan Research Institute, Jastec, JFE Systems, JFP, JIPDEC, JM Technology, Joho Technology, JR East Japan Information Systems


Kamo, Kaonavi, Keyware Solutions, KNBC, Kozo Keikaku Engineering, KVH


Lightwell, Loreatec


MacnicaMarubeni Information Systems, Mastermind KK, Memory-Tech, Midokura, Miroku Jyoho Service, Mitsubishi Chemical Systems, Mitsubishi Research Institute, Mitsue Links, Mizuho Information & Research Institute, MKI, Mobile Media Japan


Natec, NDS, Net One Systems, Networld, Network Answers JapanNext Generation Electronic Commerce Promotion Council of Japan, Nippon Denwa Shisetsu, Nippon Information Development, Nippon Systemware, Nissay Information Technology, Nomura Research Institute, Nozomi Infotech, NS Solutions, NSD, NSTech, NTT Comware, NTT DataNTT Software


Obic, OceanBridge, Ogis-Ri, Omron Software, Optim, Orizon Systems, Osaka Gas Information System, Overland


PBC, Peer to Peer Universal Computing Consortium, PFU, PJ Parker, Plat’Home, Pro-Ship, PSC


Qualica, Quality, Quest


Railway Information Systems, Research Institute of Systems Planning, RIJII, Runexy


S.H. Japan, Saison Information Systems, Satori, Saxa, Shift, SimNet, Sobal, Software Research Associates, Solize, SRA Holdings, Sumisho Computer Systems, SunFlareSuper Micro Computer, Survey Research Center, SynaxSystena


t-systems, Tata Consultancy Services, Keyware Solutions, TechMatrixTera International, TISToppan Forms, Toptech Infomatics Japan, Toshiba Information Systems, Toshiba IT & Control Systems, Toshiba Solutions, Toyo Business Engineering, Tokyo Foreigner Support, Transcosmos, TRIiS, TSP


u-Japan Policy, Ubiquitous AI, UBsecure, Uchidsa Esco, Uniadex 


Value Commerce, Vision Consulting Services K.K., VPLA


Wacom-IT, Wipro


Yamato System Development


Zappallas, Zo Digital JapanZuken Elmic, Zuken NetWave