If you are not confident about signing up in Japanese, it is recommended to enroll with GTN Hikari, which provides customer support in English and five other languages.

Broadband Internet ServiceProsConsMonthly Fee (Condominium/Stand-alone House)
GTN HikariMultilingual supportSlower connection speed at certain times of the day3,800 yen/5,200 yen
NURO HikariThe fastest Internet service in JapanLimited areas, higher fees, and installation cost requiredFrom 5,743 yen for both condominiums and standalone homes
SoftBank HikariSave on a package subscription with your mobile phone planSlower connection speed at certain times of the dayFrom 3,800 yen/From 5,200 yen (*Prices are without discount)
au HIKARISave on a package subscription with your mobile phone planCancellation fees may applyFrom 3,400 yen/From 4,900 yen (*Prices are without discount + provider fee starting from 500 yen)
docomo HikariSave on a package subscription with your mobile phone planConnection speed can become slow based on providerFrom 3,800 yen/From 5,000 yen
BIGLOBE HikariConnection is stable throughout the night, regardless of the areaCancellation fees may applyFrom 3,980 yen/From 4,980 yen
Flet’s HikariWide coverage areaPrice is expensiveFrom 3,355 yen/From 5,940 yen
(+ provider fee starting at 500 yen)
Asahi NetWide coverage areaPrice is expensiveFrom 3,350 yen/From 4,600 yen
(no provider fee for the first year)
Source: Matcha-jp.com

Japan has fast and inexpensive Optic-Fiber wired broadband connections.  Unmetered and wired BB in Japan offers great download speeds.  Japan has the 2nd biggest wireless & wired broadband market among OECD nations.


6 Best SIM Cards in Japan


Aineo Networks, Arteria, Asahi NetAssist Solutions, At Tokyo, AU, AU Hikari, Aya Internet


b-mobile, BB Apply, Best VPNs for Streaming and Privacy in Japan, Biglobe, Broadband Tower


Cell Phones In Japan


Digital Content Association of Japan



Fiber-Optic Service Providers in Japan, First Choice Internet, FLETS Hikari NTT East, FLETS Hikari NTT West, Foundation For MultiMedia Communications, Free WIFI Passport


GLBB Japan ,GMO Internet GroupGTN Mobile


Handy Guide to Internet Providers in Japan, Hotspot


INTEC, Internet Association of Japan, Internet Initiative Japan, Internet Multifeed, Internet Providers in Japan, iTSCOM


J-Com BB, J-Stream, Japan Internet Exchange, Japan Internet Providers Association, Japan Network Information Center, Japan Network Operators Group, Japan Network Information Center, Japan Registry Service, Japan Tele Net, Japan WIFI Auto-Connect, Japan Wireless, Japanese Search Engine OptimizerJENS SpinNet, Jpix, JSD Internet Service


KDDI, Keikaku


MBC, Mobal, Mobile Phones and Budget SIM Cards


NEC Big Globe, NetSTAR, Netwave, NifMo Optical Fiber, Ninja WIFI, NTT DoCoMo Hikari, NTT PC Communications


ODN, Ookla Internet Speed Test


Rakuten Broadband Premium, Rakuten GOL Fusion, Rakuten Hikari, Rent A Pocket WIFI


SaiNet, Sakura Internet, Sakura Mobile, Science Information NETwork 5, Selectra, Setting Up Your Home Internet, Softbank Air, Softbank Telecom, So-Net, SpinNet, Sunny-Net


T-Mark, Touch of Tensai




Wi2 Wi-Fi  Hotspots in Japan


Yahoo BB